Stéphanie Heuskin
- Stéphanie Heuskin, François J. Verheggen, Éric Haubruge, Jean-Paul Wathelet & Georges Lognay
- The use of semiochemical slow-release devices in integrated pest management strategies
- Volume 15 (2011)numéro 3
- Dieu-Hien Truong, Stéphanie Heuskin, Pierre Delaplace & Frédéric Francis
- VOC emissions and protein expression mediated by the interactions between herbivorous insects and Arabidopsis plant. A review
- Volume 18 (2014)Numéro 3
- Sabrine Attia, Kaouthar Grissa Lebdi, Stéphanie Heuskin, Georges Lognay & Thierry Hance
- An analysis of potential resistance of the phytophagous mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) to four botanical pesticides
- Volume 19 (2015)numéro 3
- Frédéric Daems, François Béra, Stéphanie Lorge, Christophe Fischer, Yves Brostaux, Frédéric Francis, Georges Lognay & Stéphanie Heuskin
- Impact of climatic factors on the release of E-β-caryophyllene from alginate beads
- Volume 20 (2016)Numéro 2
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