sediment gravity flow
- Franck R.A. DELPOMDOR, Luc TACK & Alain R. PRÉAT
- Facies and micromorphology of the Neoproterozoic Upper Diamictite Formation in the Democratic Republic of Congo: new evidence of sediment gravity flow
- Volume 20 (2017)number 1-2
- Franck R.A DELPOMDOR, Archange M. ILAMBWETSI, Fabricío A. CAXITO & Antonio C. PEDROSA-SOARES
- New interpretation of the basal Bambuí Group, Sete Lagoas High (Minas Gerais, E Brazil) by sedimentological studies and regional implications for the aftermath of the Marinoan glaciation: Correlations across Brazil and Central Africa
- Volume 23 (2020)number 1-2
>> Index by keyword