Index by keyword
- abrasion resistance
- Acanthodians
- Acanthodii indet.
- acritarch biozonation
- Acrotretida
- actinopterygians
- aeolian
- age assessment
- ahermatypic Rugosa
- Albert Canal
- algal and cyanobacterial filaments
- allophane
- altered volcanic ash
- Althaspis leachi
- Ammonoidea
- ancient mass movements
- anhydrite
- Antiatlas
- Antwerpen Member
- aquifers above and below the Boom Clay
- Aquitanian
- Ar-Ar age dating
- Arachnida
- archaeology
- archive
- Ardenne
- Ardenne inliers
- Ardenne massif
- Ardennes
- arkose
- Asdonk Member
- Asquempont Detachment System
- Asteropyginae
- Atlantic
- Aulacopleuridae
- Aulacopleuridae.
- Avesnois
- back-barrier tidal flats
- Bajocian
- Bambuí Group
- Barrois
- basin dynamic
- basin modelling
- Bastogne
- Belgian Caledonian basement
- Belgian coastal plain
- Belgium
- Belgium and Zuid-Limburg (The Netherlands)
- Berchem Formation
- biodiversity
- bioevent
- biography
- biostratigraphic correlation
- biostratigraphy
- biostratigraphy and correlation
- biota
- bird evolution
- black shale
- black shales
- black slate
- Bolderberg Formation
- Boncelles Sand
- Booischot Formation
- Boom Clay
- borehole logging
- boreholes
- bornite
- Borsbeek Member
- Boulonnais
- Boulonnais (France)
- Brabant Massif
- Brabant Parautochthon
- brachiopod
- Brachiopoda
- brachiopods
- Branchiopoda
- Brazil
- Bree Uplift
- Broechem nodules
- Brussel Sand/Lede Sand boundary
- Bryozoa
- Buranga pegmatite
- Burdigalian
- burial efficiency
- Cabeças Formation
- Cabinda
- Cabindachanos dartevellei gen. and sp. nov.
- calcareous nannofossils
- calciturbidite
- Caledonian basement
- Cambrian
- Campine
- Campine Basin
- Campine Block
- carbon and oxygen isotopes
- carbonate
- carbonate mound
- carbonate platform
- carbonated water springs
- carbonates
- Carboniferous
- Carrancas conglomerate
- Caspian Sea
- cassiterite
- catchment conditions
- cathodoluminescence
- caudal skeleton
- cave
- cave fillings
- Central Africa
- Central Belgium
- central Iran
- Cephalopoda
- Cetacea
- chalcocite
- chalcopyrite
- Chanidae
- Chanopsis lombardi
- Chattian
- chemostratigraphy
- China
- cinerite
- Clay deposit
- clay mineralogy
- clay rims
- clayey Kasterlee
- CO2 capture and storage
- CO2-rich waters
- coal
- coastal plain
- columbite-tantalite
- compaction
- compressive strength
- conceptual models
- cone penetration testing
- cone penetration tests
- Cone Penetration Tests
- cone resistance
- confined embayment
- Congo turbidite system
- Conocardioidea
- conodont
- conodonts
- consequent rivers
- conservation Lagerstätte
- contamination
- continental Aptian-Albian
- continental mantle lithosphere delamination
- coralgal banks
- corals
- cordierite
- correlation
- correlations
- Corsica
- Couvinian
- CPT logs
- CPT units
- Cretaceous
- Crinoidea
- crown ornamentation
- Crustal architecture
- cryptokarst
- Cupressaceae
- cyclical hollow/hummock theory
- cyclicity
- Cynodictis
- Czech Republic
- D/C boundary
- decalcification
- dehydroxylation
- deltaic progradation
- Democratic Republic Congo
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- dental occlusion
- depositional environment
- depositional model
- Dercetidae
- Dessel Sand Member
- detrital filling
- detrital sediments
- Deurne Member
- Devonian
- diagenesis
- diatom analysis
- diatom data
- Diest Formation
- differential displacement
- Differential subsidence
- Dinantian
- dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy
- dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy
- dinoflagellate cysts
- dinoflagellates
- Dinosauria
- disparity
- dissolution
- distribution area
- diversification
- drainage
- drill core
- drip waters
- E Ardennes
- E Avalonia
- Early Jurassic
- early late Ypresian
- early Neoproterozoic
- early seed plants
- early Tremadocian
- Echinoderm
- ecology
- Eifelian
- Eigenbilzen Formation
- Eisleck region
- Elasmobranchii
- electric discontinuity
- Emsian
- En-echelon periclinal folds ; non-axial planar
- endemism
- endokarst
- England
- environmental geochemistry
- environmental interpretation
- eolian
- epiboles
- Eumetabolotoechiidae n. fam.
- Eurocode 8
- Europe
- Europe.
- Europrotaspis? wiheriesiensis
- events
- extinctions
- facies
- Famennian
- Famennnian
- faulting
- faunal changes
- faunas
- ferruginous mud
- fillings
- fine
- fishes
- Flanders
- Flemish Hills
- flood records
- flow constriction
- fluid inclusion
- fluid inclusions
- fluvial
- fluvial facies
- fluvial sediments
- flysch
- foothills
- fore-mound facies
- fossil
- fossil birds
- fossil record
- fossils
- fractional crystallization
- fractionation
- France
- Frasnian
- Frasnian-Famennian Boundary
- Gallo-Roman quarry
- Gedinnian
- geochemical mapping
- geochemistry
- geoelectric prospecting
- geogenic CO2
- geoheritage
- Geological map of Wallonia
- geological survey
- geological uncertainty
- geomorphological analysis
- geophysics
- geotechnical stratigraphy
- geothermal energy
- geothermics
- Germany
- ghost-rock
- Givetian
- glaciations
- glauconiferous quartz sand
- glauconiferous sand
- glauconite
- Glauconite reworking
- glauconitic sand
- Gondwana
- Gonorynchiformes
- gothic-arch calcite crystals
- grain size
- grain-size analyses
- Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
- Grand-Halleux
- granulometry
- gravel beds
- groundwater head
- groundwater modelling ranges
- groundwater overexploitation
- groundwater quality
- growth rate
- gully incision
- Gzhelian–Asselian
- Hageland
- halloysite
- Hangenberg Biocrisis
- Hangenberg Crisis
- Hautes-Fagnes
- heavy metals
- heavy mineral composition
- heavy mineralogy
- Hebei Province
- heterochrony
- Hippocardioidea
- historical background
- history of science
- Hockai Fault Zone
- Holocene
- homogeneous
- hotspot
- hydrated kaolinite
- hydraulic conductivity
- hydrocarbon potential
- hydrographic regime
- Ihandar Formation
- image analysis
- Inden Formation
- inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
- infrared emission spectroscopy
- Insecta
- integrated stratigraphy
- intercalated peat beds
- invertebrates
- iron isotopes
- iron-bacteria
- isoresistivity
- isotopic stages 8 to 1
- Jbel Issoumour
- Jurassic
- K/Pg extinction
- Kanaan cave
- Kansuki-Mwashya platform
- Karagwe-Ankole belt
- karst
- karst reservoir
- Kasterlee Formation
- Kasterlee-sensu-Gulinck
- Katabuporhynchus n. gen.
- Katanga Supergroup
- Kattendijk Formation
- Kellwasser
- kerogen type
- Kesterberg
- Kettneraspis
- key reference
- Kiel Member
- Kiel Sand Member
- Kolwezi region
- Kruisschans Member
- Kuehneotheriidae
- LA-ICP-MS analysis
- lagoons
- laminites
- Landana
- Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Last Interglacial-Early Glacial
- Late Devonian
- Late Holocene
- Late Triassic
- late Viséan-Serpukhovian
- latest Famennian
- layered intrusion
- leaky bucket model
- Lebanon
- Leonaspis
- leucogranite
- Lias
- Libramont-Bertrix
- life position
- Lillo Formation
- limestone
- Lingulida
- lithofacies analysis
- lithologic and structural setting
- lithologic provenance
- lithology
- Lithostratigraphy
- lithostratigraphy
- Little Ice Age
- Lochkovian
- loess
- Lorraine
- Lower Carboniferous
- Lower Congo region
- lower Devonian
- Lower Jurassic
- lower Mol
- Lower Palaeozoic
- lower Pliocene
- Lower Rhine Graben
- Lower Viséan
- Luchtbal Member
- Luxembourg
- Luxembourgichthys (“Pholidophorus”) friedeni gen. nov.
- Macaronichnus
- mafic-ultramafic
- magnetic susceptibility
- major element geochemistry
- major elements
- Malmédy Formation and members
- Mammalia
- mammals
- mapping
- marine - estuarine
- marine bands
- marine biology
- marine currents
- marine fauna
- marine Paleocene
- Mark River basin
- mass balance
- Massif Central
- matched capacity
- medieval harbour
- Medieval Warm Period
- Megachasma
- Meknes
- Merksem Member
- Merksplas Formation
- Mesozoic
- metahalloysite
- meteorites
- micrite
- micro-CT
- microfacies
- microfauna
- microfossils
- microstromatolithes
- microstructures
- Microthermometry
- mid-Ypresian
- Middle Eocene
- Middle Jurassic
- Milankovitch orbitally-forced cycles
- milling stone
- mineralization
- mineralogy
- Mines Subgroup
- Miocene
- miospores
- MIS 5
- Mississippian
- Misten peat-bog
- Mol Formation
- molars
- Molenbeersel member
- Molignée Formation
- mollusc faunas
- Mollusca
- mollusca
- molluscs
- Mons Basin
- Montagne Noire
- Morocco
- morphology
- mortality crisis
- Moscovian–Kasimovian
- mountain front recharge
- MP10
- mud mounds
- multi-proxy
- multistage deformation
- Namur Synclinorium
- Namur-Dinant Basin
- Namur–Dinant Basin
- natural gas
- natural geochemical patterns
- natural mineral water
- Nautilida
- Naux (Ardennes)
- NE Belgium
- needle-like calcite crystals
- Neogene
- Neoproterozoic
- new species
- New York State
- Nieuwpoort-Asquempont Fault Zone
- NiS FA
- North Belgium
- North Sea
- North Sea Basin
- north-western Europe
- northeastern France
- northern Belgium
- Northwestern Germany
- Oligocene
- Ontogeny
- ontogeny
- Oorderen Member
- open data management
- Oppel Zones
- optical microscopy
- Ordovician
- ore geology
- organic carbon
- organic carbon isotopes
- Organic-walled microfossils
- orogenic collapse
- orogenic gold mineralization
- osteoderm
- Osteoglossiformes
- osteology
- palaeobiogeography
- palaeobotanical dataset
- palaeoclimate
- palaeoclimate reconstructions
- palaeoclimates
- palaeoecology
- palaeoenvironment
- palaeoenvironments
- palaeogeography
- palaeoichthyology
- palaeontology
- palaeopedological record
- palaeosoil
- palaeosols
- Paleocene
- paleoclimate
- paleoenvironment
- Paleogene
- paleogeography
- paleontology
- Palynology
- palynology
- paragenesis
- parataxonomy
- Paris Basin
- Parnaíba Basin
- partial melting
- patch reefs
- Pb-Zn-Cu mineralisation
- peak ground acceleration
- peat
- pedogenesis
- pentlandite
- Percomorpha
- periglacial
- Permian
- Petit Granit
- petrography
- petroleum systems
- Phanerozoic series and Recent organisms
- phosphate minerals
- phototropism
- phylogenetic relationships
- phylogeny
- Piacenzian
- Pinaceae
- placoderms
- platform
- Pleistocene
- Pleistocene and post-glacial stratigraphy
- Pleistocene evolution
- Plio-Quaternary
- Pliocene
- Pliocene backbarrier tidal deposit
- pollen
- pollen analysis
- Post-Pleniglacial
- pouhon
- Pragian
- precipitation
- Prémontré Sands
- Pridoli
- probabilistic assessment
- productivity
- proxy calibration
- pseudogallery
- Pyrenean phase
- pyrite
- pyrometamorphism
- quality control
- quartz-rich
- Quaternary
- radiation
- radiocarbon data
- radiocarbon datings
- Raman microspectroscopy
- raw earth
- recent sediments
- red pigmentation
- reef
- reef mound
- reefs
- reference sections
- relationships
- relative sea-level history
- research data
- research portal
- reservoir appraisal
- reservoir properties
- residual alterite mineralogy
- retrometamorphism
- reworked palynomorphs
- reworking
- Rhabdinopora flabelliformis fauna
- Rhenish Massif
- Rhenish Slate Mountains
- Rhinopteraspis dunensis
- rhynchonellids
- Ripidiorhynchus
- rivers
- rock magnetic parameters
- Rodinia amalgamation
- Roer Valley Graben
- Rugosa
- rugose and tabulate corals
- rugose corals
- Rugose corals
- Rupel Group
- Rupelian
- Rupt du Puits
- Russia
- Saint-Ghislain borehole
- sample preparation
- sarcopterygians
- Savian phase
- scanning electron microscopy
- sea-level
- sea-level changes
- sea-level rise
- sediment deformation
- sediment gravity flow
- sediment transport
- sedimentary structures
- sedimentology
- sediments
- seismic and electrical tomography
- seismic hazard
- Selandian
- SEM-EDX analysis
- semi-arid
- sequence stratigraphy
- Serravallian
- Sete Lagoas Formation
- settlement strategy
- shear zone
- shoreface deposits
- Siegenian
- silty
- Silurian
- Siphonotretida
- slope deposits
- soft-sediment deformation microstructures
- soil moisture balance
- Solenochilus
- Sonnisheide Member
- source-to-sink
- South China
- Southern China
- southern North Sea Basin
- Spa
- Spain
- speleothem
- speleothems
- Sphagnum imbricatum
- Spiekeroog
- Spiriferids
- stable isotopes
- stalagmite
- starved basin
- stationary hummock theory
- Stavelot-Venn Massif
- strain analysis
- stratified
- stratigraphic review
- stratigraphy
- stratotype sections
- stromatactis
- stromatolite
- structural geology
- Strunian
- Sturtian glaciation
- Subatlantic
- Subboreal
- subsurface
- sulfur saturation
- surface sediment
- SW Portugal
- sweeper tentacles
- Symplectophyllum
- Syringopora
- system tracts
- systematic palaeontology
- Systematic palaeontology
- Systematic paleontology
- Systematics
- systematics
- Tabulata
- taphonomy
- taxonomy
- tectonic inversion
- tectonic scarp
- tectonics
- teleostean otoliths
- Teleostei
- tempestite
- temporary exposures
- tendencies in marine influence
- tephrostratigraphy
- testate amoebae
- Thanetian
- Theropoda
- thin-sections
- Thuringia
- Thyreophora
- tidal channel system
- tidal embayment
- tidal flats
- Tongeren Group
- tonstein
- Tortonian
- Tournaisian
- trace element geochemistry
- trace elements
- trace elements geochemistry
- transecting cleavage; oblique flexural slip; plane strain; sediment architecture; Meuse Valley Recess
- travertine
- Triakidae
- Triassic
- Trilobita
- trilobites
- tufa deposits and tephra
- Turkey
- Türkiye
- turtle barnacles
- type Maastrichtian
- type-mineralogy
- U/Th dating
- U/Th datings
- underground coal gasification
- upper Cambrian
- Upper Carboniferous
- Upper Devonian
- Upper Miocene
- Upper Palaeozoic
- Upper Pleistocene
- uranium
- Vaals Formation
- Vandal Minimum
- Variscan orogeny
- Vechmaal
- Veldhoven Formation
- vermiculite
- Vesdre area
- Visean
- Viséan
- volcanic ash-falls
- Voort Formation
- water balance
- water resources
- Waubach Member
- Wealden facies
- western Europe
- Westphalian C
- whole-rock geochemistry
- wood-fall
- world
- X-ray computed tomography
- X-ray diffraction analysis
- Ypresian-Lutetian transition
- Zanclean
- Zandvliet Member
- zeolite
- Ziphiidae
- Zn-Pb ore
- Zolder and Houthalen collieries
- Zonderschot Sands
- ‘Grande Coupure’
- ‘Sables et grès à Hétérocètes’
- “Pholidophoriformes”