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- volume 12 (2009)
- number 3-4
- XRF major and trace element determination in Fe-Ti oxide minerals
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XRF major and trace element determination in Fe-Ti oxide minerals
ABSTRACT. An XRF method describes the bulk composition (host + exsolved phases) analysis of magnetite and ilmenite grains obtained by physical methods of separation. Fe, Ti, Mn, Mg, Al, Ca, and Si are measured on glass discs (1:20 dilution in Li borate) and V, Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, S are determined on pressed pellets of ca. 1.5 g of magnetite, and the same elements plus Zr and Nb on ilmenite 1.5 g-pressed pellets. When necessary, matrix effects are corrected with the Compton line (absorption) or by measuring the effect of Ti on V and Cr intensities (enhancement). A variety of reference samples are used to assess the accuracy of the method. For Fe, Ti and Mg the accuracy ranges between 0.6% and 3.2%, and for V and Cr between 5.6 and 7.6%. Detection limits and reproducibility are acceptable for most geochemical studies. The method meets the current needs of the geochemical interpretation of Fe-Ti oxide minerals and deposits.
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About: Jean Clair DUCHESNE
Department of Geology, University of Liège, B20, 4000 Sart Tilman
About: Guy BOLOGNE
Department of Geology, University of Liège, B20, 4000 Sart Tilman