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- volume 3 (2000)
- number 3-4 - Volume dédié à Jos BOUCKAERT Herdenki...
- The stratigraphic position of a Pliocene tidal clay deposit at Grobbendonk (Antwerp Province, Belgium)
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The stratigraphic position of a Pliocene tidal clay deposit at Grobbendonk (Antwerp Province, Belgium)

In a section located in Grobbendonk (Antwerp Campine area, Belgium) a tidal clay deposit is described which according to regional analysis could correlate with the Kruisschans Member of the Pliocene Lillo Formation. Mollusc and fish fossils point to a colder climate during the deposition of the Kruisschans Sand. A pollen analysis of the Grobbendonk clay shows that it was formed during a cold climate, either during the Pretiglian or during the Pliocene. The latter possibility is preferred because of the regional stratigraphic analysis and the absence of marine Pretiglian in the area. A dinoflagellate study of the Grobbendonk clay compares the stratigraphic position of the clay to the Waltonian, Pre-Ludhamian, Ludhamian regional stages of the U.K. Because of the cold climate during the deposition a Pre-Ludhamian formation time is preferred. This Pre-Ludhamian in the U.K. is correlated with the Reuver C or with the Praetiglian regional stages in the Netherlands.