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- volume 2 (1999)
- number 3-4
- Organic components and diagenetic products in the travertine deposit at Villers-devant-Orval (S. Belgium)
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Organic components and diagenetic products in the travertine deposit at Villers-devant-Orval (S. Belgium)

The travertine deposit at Villers-devant-Orval (S. Belgium) formed during the Preboreal till the Boreal. In the first terrace studied in this paper, five lithostratigraphic units were distinguished, based on the presence of gravel, loam, peat and fine, medium grained and coarse travertine. Within the latter, encrusted branches and algal and cyanobacterial filaments are the most important organic components. Vadose diagenesis of the deposit is indicated by the presence of needle-crystals, fiber calcite crystals and dendrites. Meteoric phreatic diagenetic products occur as gothic-arch calcite crystals and euhedral crystals, which cement the pores.